Saturday, April 21, 2012

How To Take Care Of The Minor Flaws In Research Paper Writing?

Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.

Cyril Connolly

The writing skills are so important to take a man on the top. It is always said that everybody can write but the only challenge for a man is to write well. Now if you are going to write a research paper, you should know this fact very well that if you won’t write well, you won’t get that appreciation you are craving for. This is why; here is a complete guide to make you do exemplary research paper writing.

This guide will not serve you with the step by step process b the general requirements that are often missed by the students.

General editorial requirements:

1- Type your paper with 12 point standard font for example, bookman, times new roman, Helvetica etc.

2- Remember the text should be double spaced on 8 1/2" x 11" with one inch margin on both sides.

3- Don’t forget to put the numbers on each page consecutively leaving the cover and index page.

4- Every new section should start with a new page.

5- Often times, students don’t read the guidelines given by their supervisors. No matter how different these are, you have to follow them strictly. If it says, you have to use times new roman then you have to use it, no matter what.

6- That way, always adhere to the recommended page limits mentioned in your guideline.

What are the common mistakes that you must avoid?

1- Never place the heading at the bottom of the page with the text on the same page. You must insert a page break here.

2- Never divide a table or figure into two. Use a single page for it.

3- Do check out again and again and again to confirm if the pages are all in order. Sometimes, out of order pages are submitted to the supervisor and this single sily mistake destroys the marks of the student.

What to make sure of?

1- In all the papers of the research project, make sure, you are using normal prose including articles that are, a, the and an.

2- make sure you are not beating about the bush in your paper, talk straight to the point. Just to make it lengthier, don’t drag the topic to the extent it crosses the r real theme.

3- Use separate paragraphs where necessary.

4- Use present tense wherever possible.

Hence, if you will keep an eye on the above mistakes, tips and guidelines for research paper writing then you are sure to get good grades in your research paper with ease.

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